Well, this is my first blog post, this will go down in history!!! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. If you've been in some of the forums you've seen my new sig pic. I made it in MS Paint using a gothic font and a picture of A7X's Bat character. It came put pretty cool, huh?
I just got done watching pretty much EVERY episode of Neouroticaly Yours. Foamy just cracks me the hell up. His rants are so true and hilarious.
I'm working on some art for contests in the forums. I'm working on a zombie. But, I'm limited in quality due to the fact that I do not have flash, I only have MS Paint. But, I AM a Wiz with that, so, ya....
Man, I so wish I could go to Comic-Con, Newgrounds being there is a great addition to the already great convention. I'd love to meet Tom Fulp. I don't mean that in a gay way, I just mean that I admire him for creating a website such as this. so, don't get any ideas,
o we know what your saying...*hint hint*